Podcasts de prayer

'Sígueme los Viernes de Noche' 17/01/2014

Aquí os ofrecemos una nueva edición de nuestro entretenido programa. El seminarista Santiago...

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La viña y los labradores malvados

La viña y los labradores malvados Esta parábola nos habla de aquello que nos cuesta, que nos...

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lo unico que busco es la verdad. www.1cursodemilagros.wordpress.com

Lo unico que busco es la verdad. Por Maria Torres UCDMI www.1cursodemilagros.wordpress.com

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03. Serie La Base, Génesis 1.20-28

Estudio de la Serie "La Base", basada en los primeros once capítulos del libro de Génesis

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1. Colosenses 1.1-2

Estudio de la Serie "Plenitud en Cristo", basada en el carta a los colosenses, por el pastor Luis...

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Sígueme Viernes: 'Un Dios prohibido' (04_10_2013)

En este programa, entre otras muchas cosas, tenemos el gusto de ofreceros la entrevista que...

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09-08-2021 Being good citizens - 10 Minutes with Jesus

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes...

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Cuantos Maestros de Dios...

¿Cuántos Mestros de Dios se necesitan para salvar el mundo? Este audio ofrece la conciencia de...

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04-08-2021 Loyal house dogs - 10 Minutes with Jesus

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes...

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06-08-2021 Jesus Himself - 10 Minutes with Jesus

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes...

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07-08-2021 Praying to Jesus in His own words - 10 Minutes with Jesus

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes...

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08-07-2022 Holding on to the towel - 10 Minutes with Jesus

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes...

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12-07-2022 Look up - 10 Minutes with Jesus

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes...

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10-07-2022 Am I Good Samaritan - 10 Minutes with Jesus

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes...

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29-09-2022 Without limits - 10 Minutes with Jesus

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes...

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30-09-2022 Keep Quiet! - 10 Minutes with Jesus

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes...

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03-10-2022 How Badly Do You Want Heaven - 10 Minutes with Jesus

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes...

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Day 321: Jesus' Prayer in the Garden (2023)

Fr. Mike highlights how Jesus didn't pray in order get something from God, he prayed in order to...

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Clase On Line UCDM

Clase Radial On Line de Un curso de Milagros. Charla sobre la Clase del día de Elisa UCDM

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Las ideas no abandonan su fuente

Las ideas no abandonan su fuente Clase radial On line de por ACIMI con Maria Torres .

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